Monday, December 30, 2013

The law of three

Here is an article from our friends over at please go visit them.

The Law of Three
I am sure that many of you have heard of this, if so there is no need to read, but the articles I post are done so for someone who has no knowledge or skill in survival.

The law of three is very simple, it is:
Three minutes without air you die
Three days without water you die
Three weeks without food you die.

There will be exceptions to every rule, so none of this " I knew someone who..."

We will cover the food and air at a later time. Today it is about water. Were not going to get into how much you sweat a day, but on average a non working person in a 75 to 80 degree enviroment will sweat up to two quarts, working in that tempature range up to a gallon, when it get in the 90's and hotter up to two gallons. I know I have gone through 3 gallons a day of water in extreme conditions.

so with that said.. *no we are not going to cove potassium loss)
Where is the best place to store water: your stomach, drink drink drink. If your urine is yellow drink.
Can you drink urine and sea water, yes but not for long your body will shut down, if you have to drink it have it only be 25% of the solution you are drinking, we won't cove how to make sea water safe as most are concerned about a SHTF Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE).

Water is heavy around 8.3 pounds a gallon, that is alot of food ammo and supplies, plus not to mention humping it all day, yes if your in a desert carry more, but in a temperate climate one camel back is good enough, me I carry two standard issue canteens , enough water, plus if you have to go across creeks, they help keep you buoyant.

So you ask what are my backups ?

Sani Straw: The good ones not the cheap one for 8 bucks, I buy the ones that filter out parasites, around $20 to $25. Not worried about water born virus in North America. Good for 200 liters.

Iodine: one drop per quart, you have to let it set for a couple of hours for full effect. It makes your water taste like crap. You can also use the iodine to clean a wound. (multi function)

Bleach: one to two drops per gallon has to set for 24 hours if you suspect parasites in water.

Those crappy tablets just follow directions on the pack. I have tablets stored in a plastic bag along with the directions.
What parasites, the ones that wild animals especially beavers, if you see beavers in the body of water or beaver sign DON'T DRINK UNLESS YOU HAVE to, been there done that you will have the trots in no time and it is not fun. If its your only source, dig a hole a couple of feet away from the bank and let the water seep in it will act as a filter, then purify your water.

Did you notice I did not mention boiling..wonder why, it takes 30 minutes of a rolling boil to purify water, you have to gather fire wood or have some fuel source to boil it, that takes calories and time, and then if you don't build your fire right, it makes lot's of smoke. I don't know about you, but if I am in a SHTF situation I don't want to be noticed and will avoid contact as much as possible, if I have to make contact, what do I do then, that is for another time.

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