Monday, December 30, 2013

Here is some knowledge from our friends over at C.A.N they are great people and care about others, here is a link.

Here is the write up that goes with the picture.

Persons residing on the west coast of North America should IMMEDIATELY begin preparing for another possible onslaught of dangerous atmospheric radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site in Japan. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) says radioactive steam has suddenly begun emanating from previously exploded nuclear reactor building #3 at the Fukuishima disaster site in Japan. TEPCO says they do not know why this is happening and cannot go into the building to see what's happening due to damage and lethal radiation levels in that building. Experts say this could be the beginning of a "spent fuel pool critical (meltdown)" involving up to 89 TONS of nuclear fuel burning up into the atmosphere and heading to North America. HB

The law of three

Here is an article from our friends over at please go visit them.

The Law of Three
I am sure that many of you have heard of this, if so there is no need to read, but the articles I post are done so for someone who has no knowledge or skill in survival.

The law of three is very simple, it is:
Three minutes without air you die
Three days without water you die
Three weeks without food you die.

There will be exceptions to every rule, so none of this " I knew someone who..."

We will cover the food and air at a later time. Today it is about water. Were not going to get into how much you sweat a day, but on average a non working person in a 75 to 80 degree enviroment will sweat up to two quarts, working in that tempature range up to a gallon, when it get in the 90's and hotter up to two gallons. I know I have gone through 3 gallons a day of water in extreme conditions.

so with that said.. *no we are not going to cove potassium loss)
Where is the best place to store water: your stomach, drink drink drink. If your urine is yellow drink.
Can you drink urine and sea water, yes but not for long your body will shut down, if you have to drink it have it only be 25% of the solution you are drinking, we won't cove how to make sea water safe as most are concerned about a SHTF Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE).

Water is heavy around 8.3 pounds a gallon, that is alot of food ammo and supplies, plus not to mention humping it all day, yes if your in a desert carry more, but in a temperate climate one camel back is good enough, me I carry two standard issue canteens , enough water, plus if you have to go across creeks, they help keep you buoyant.

So you ask what are my backups ?

Sani Straw: The good ones not the cheap one for 8 bucks, I buy the ones that filter out parasites, around $20 to $25. Not worried about water born virus in North America. Good for 200 liters.

Iodine: one drop per quart, you have to let it set for a couple of hours for full effect. It makes your water taste like crap. You can also use the iodine to clean a wound. (multi function)

Bleach: one to two drops per gallon has to set for 24 hours if you suspect parasites in water.

Those crappy tablets just follow directions on the pack. I have tablets stored in a plastic bag along with the directions.
What parasites, the ones that wild animals especially beavers, if you see beavers in the body of water or beaver sign DON'T DRINK UNLESS YOU HAVE to, been there done that you will have the trots in no time and it is not fun. If its your only source, dig a hole a couple of feet away from the bank and let the water seep in it will act as a filter, then purify your water.

Did you notice I did not mention boiling..wonder why, it takes 30 minutes of a rolling boil to purify water, you have to gather fire wood or have some fuel source to boil it, that takes calories and time, and then if you don't build your fire right, it makes lot's of smoke. I don't know about you, but if I am in a SHTF situation I don't want to be noticed and will avoid contact as much as possible, if I have to make contact, what do I do then, that is for another time.

Advice for preppers

I have decided to offer advice for people that may find themselves in need of unconventional or survival information. This series will be titled "advice for preppers", some will be my knowledge and some will be from contributors, those from contributors will be credited for the knowledge and a link to their site will be provided. I hope my readers will enjoy the information and as always feel free to contribute information.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

They really do want your guns.

(He looks like he takes his job seriously)

I don't venture much into politics on this blog since this isn't really the place for it. Unless it involves 2nd amendment rights, then I'm going to talk about it and hopefully rally people to spread the word and warn others of what is happening.
By now most of you have heard of Lt. Col. Robert Bateman, I'm going to try and refrain from giving my feelings of a man who takes the oath he did then spews such utter.. Well I'm going to try and just give facts and not emotional comments.
He posted in esquire magazine the following on Dec 3 2013.

We crossed the line some time ago, it has just taken me a while to get around to the topic. Sadly, that topic is now so brutally evident that I feel shame. Shame that I have not spoken out about before now -- shame for my country, shame that we have come to this point. One story tripped me.

(A woman charged with killing a fellow Alabama fan after the end of last weekend's Iron Bowl football game was angry that the victim and others didn't seem upset over the Crimson Tide's loss to archrival Auburn, said the sister of the slain woman.
People, it is time to talk about guns.)

My entire adult life has been dedicated to the deliberate management of violence. There are no two ways around that fact. My job, at the end of the day, is about killing. I orchestrate violence.

I am not proud of that fact. Indeed, I am often torn-up by the realization that not only is this my job, but that I am really good at my job. But my profession is about directed violence on behalf of the nation. What is happening inside our country is random and disgusting, and living here in England I am at a complete loss as to how to explain this at all. In 2011 the number of gun deaths in the United States was 10.3 per 100,000 citizens. In 2010 that statistic in the UK was 0.25. And do not even try to tell me that the British are not as inclined to violence or that their culture is so different from ours that this difference makes sense. I can say nothing when my British officers ask me about these things, because it is the law.

And for that, frankly speaking, I am embarrassed by our Supreme Court.

The people who sit on a nation's Supreme Court as supposed to be the wisest among us. They are supposed to be the men and women who understand and speak plainly about the most difficult topics confronting our nation. Our Supreme Court, however, has been failing us, as their actions have been almost the exact opposite of this ideal.

You do not have to read this full Supreme Court ruling, it is a supplemental. I can spell it out for you in ten seconds.

Five of the nine members of the Supreme Court agreed that the part in the Second Amendment which talks about "A Well Regulated Militia, Being Necessary To The Security Of A Free State..." did not matter. In other words, they flunked basic high school history.

The lengths to which Justice Scalia had to go in his attempt to rewrite American history and the English language are as stunning as they are egregious. In essence, what he said about the words written by the Founding Fathers was, "Yeah, they didn't really mean what they said."

You have got to be fking kidding me. Seriously? You spent nearly 4,000 words to deny the historical reality of thirteen words? That, sir, is an embarrassingly damning indictment not just of you, but of an educational system that failed to teach history.

But just so we are all clear on this, let me spell it out for the rest of you. During the American Civil War, a topic about which I know a little bit, we had a system of state militias. They formed the basis of the army that saved the United States. For most of the first year, and well into the second, many of the units raised by the states were created entirely or in part from militia units that predated the war. But even when partially "regulated," militias are sloppy things. They do not always work well outside their own home states, and in our own history and in our Revolutionary War, it was not uncommon for militia units to refuse to go out of their own state. In the Spanish-American war the way around this limitation was for "interested volunteers" to resign, en masse, from their militia units and then sign up -- again en masse -- as a "volunteer" unit. It was a cumbersome solution to a 123-year-old problem.

Which is why, in 1903 Congress passed the Militia Act. Friends, if you have not read it I'll just tell you: As of 1903, the "militia" has been known as the National Guard.

They are "well regulated," and when called to do so as they have been these past twelve years, they can fight like demons. I am proud of them. And I am ashamed that Justice Scalia thinks that they do not exist.

Guns are tools. I use these tools in my job. But like all tools one must be trained and educated in their use. Weapons are there for the "well regulated militia." Their use, therefore, must be in defense of the nation. Shooting and killing somebody because they were not "upset enough" over the loss of a college football team should not be possible in our great nation. Which is why I am adding the following "Gun Plank" to the Bateman-Pierce platform. Here are some suggestions:

1. The only guns permitted will be the following:

a. Smoothbore or Rifled muzzle-loading blackpowder muskets. No 7-11 in history has ever been held up with one of these.
b. Double-barrel breech-loading shotguns. Hunting with these is valid.
c. Bolt-action rifles with a magazine capacity no greater than five rounds. Like I said, hunting is valid. But if you cannot bring down a defenseless deer in under five rounds, then you have no fking reason to be holding a killing tool in the first place.
2. We will pry your gun from your cold, dead, fingers. That is because I am willing to wait until you die, hopefully of natural causes. Guns, except for the three approved categories, cannot be inherited. When you die your weapons must be turned into the local police department, which will then destroy them. (Weapons of historical significance will be de-milled, but may be preserved.)

3. Police departments are no longer allowed to sell or auction weapons used in crimes after the cases have been closed. (That will piss off some cops, since they really need this money. But you know what they need more? Less violence and death. By continuing the process of weapon recirculation, they are only making their jobs -- or the jobs of some other cops -- harder.)

4. We will submit a new tax on ammunition. In the first two years it will be 400 percent of the current retail cost of that type of ammunition. (Exemptions for the ammo used by the approved weapons.) Thereafter it will increase by 20 percent per year.

5. We will initiate a nationwide "buy-back" program, effective immediately, with the payouts coming from the DoD budget. This buy-back program will start purchasing weapons at 200 percent of their face value the first year, 150 percent the second year, 100 percent the third year. Thereafter there will be a 10 year pause, at which point the guns can be sold to the government at 10 percent of their value for the next 50 years.

6. The major gun manufactures of the United States, less those who create weapons for the federal government and the armed forces, will be bought out by the United States of America, for our own damned good.

These opinions are those of the author and do not reflect the United States government, the United States Department of Defense, the United States Army, or any other official body. As for the NRA, they can sit on it. (Sorry, I grew up with Happy Days. "Sit on it" means something to those of my generation.)


Wow, that is the first word that I can say on here that came to mind. Many words have been said about this man, many emotionally inspired words and I'm not going to partake in that, instead let's ask valid questions and look at facts.

1st. He hated what he did, but continued to do so, even bragging that he was really good at orchestrating killing. What was his motivation to continue doing what he did? MONEY and POWER, the interesting thing about people with his mindset is that "it's ok when I do it, I'm an elite" kinda like a guy that complains about carbon emissions and yet flys a private jet to those conventions he complains at.

2nd. He talks about gun death rates, making it sound like he is referring to murder, in fact that number is a combination of suicide, homicide, unintentional and undetermined. Here is a fact if a person wants to kill someone they will use whatever they have available, knives, stones, clubs, fists. Now some of the anti-gun crowd says murder would be less without firearms, so I did a quick search and discovered countries with gun bans had higher murder rates than us! This goes against every thing they say, countries without guns have a higher murder rate than us, could it be that not owning a gun makes you more at risk of falling victim to a killer, could it be that if no guns existed in America the murder rate would be higher. Then perhaps we would complain about how many people die from sling shots or bow and arrows? A simple fact is a murderer feels safer when he knows he has a butcher knife in a country without guns.
For the murder rate click this link.

3rd. He states weapons should only be owned by the militia (national guard) except for "simple/primitive" firearms, does he not understand that people were to to be armed as good as the military/Govt in case a tyrannical leader/Govt came to power. Also in WW2 the only reason we were not invaded is because our citizens were armed. Here are some facts he over looked, the 2nd amendment protects the individuals right to bear and keep arms regardless of service in a militia. Also state, local and federal Govt are limited from infringing on this right.

I really hope you people are paying attention to what's happening here, this guy is also affiliated with homeland security, also look at what Eric Holder said about gun owners, they should cower in shame, Obama said he is against concealed carry and semi-auto firearms. These people really do want to take your guns, they admit it openly and boastfully. If you are not worried then you're either anti-gun, oblivious, or just don't give a damn.

Listen to me, if some of these plans (laws) come to fruition we will no longer be-able to purchase semi-auto weapons, perhaps I'm worrying to much but we have a president using executive orders to limit gun rights. I will be posting videos in the near future on firearm maintenance. Keep your firearms cleaned, oiled, and consider getting a durable finish applied to your firearm.

If you do decide you want to get your firearm coated I recommend Dave Matzen of Matzen gun works. I know him, he does excellent work.
Contact number for Dave is 402-630-2250.
Also there  is a file for him located on
Click on files you will find it.
You can also comment with your email and I will pass it on. I know a lot of gunsmiths and when it comes to gun coating he is the one I recommend.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Don's Practical Outdoors gear for the budget minded! - Coyote Guns!

         Hello again, and glad you all found my first real article. I would like to talk about coyote guns. Seems simple, but is it really?
         Let's consider the needs of a coyote gun, we need it to kill a coyote, yeah, we want more, but the bottom line is that it needs to be able to take down a tough, wily coyote. If you are new to coyote hunting, your best bet might be to use what you have. That deer rifle that you just put away after deer season will be more than sufficient, that turkey gun in the safe will do the job also. You are going to have to make a few changes to make them more efficient at this new game. Mostly nowadays when we talk about coyote hunting we are talking about calling them into range and trying to get a quick clean kill. Let's look at that a little before we get to far into the firepower aspect.
       Calling coyotes, is going to generally be you, or you and a partner, going into the field, setting up a quick simple stand and then trying to coax a wily coyote into gun range using calls designed to attract them by imitating the coyotes natural food, or other instincts that cause the coyote to want to investigate the sounds you are making on a closer level. We won't get into the calls on this post, they are many. What concerns us right now is what type of firearm we want to carry, to me the most important things that will affect this choice are, What type of environment are we calling in the majority of the time? A precision long range rifle is next to worthless in heavy brush country, By the same token a firearm that doesn't shoot well over 100 yards is not going to help you harvest as many coyotes in the wide open plains.
     Many professional coyote hunters carry both a shotgun and a rifle, or each partner will chose to carry the opposite of the other when hunting as a team. Here's the thing to me, the AR-15 platform is most likely the current most popular coyote gun, chambered in one of several different cartridge sizes it can and will do the job, but coyotes rarely respond as a pack, 90% of the time it is a single coyote that shows up to the call, with an occasional double responding, for that we don't (or shouldn't) need 20+ rounds. If you already have one use it! But don't run out and buy one just because that is what everyone else is using, you can do just as well or perhaps even better with a much lower cost firearm.
      Okay back to the deer rifle and shotgun sitting in your gun safe, we already determined that these will work, now how do we make them better at killing coyotes? Let's start with the shotgun, most of todays shotguns are fitted with screw in choke tubes making them extremely versatile. A quick change to a extra full choke and a box full of #4 buck or "dead coyote" brand rounds will turn your shotgun into a 80 to 100 yard range coyote slayer, in brush country you would be real hard pressed to beat that. As for the deer rifle all you might have to do is change over to some ammo with lighter bullets, re-sight it in before hunting if you do, point of impact will usually change. Another modification you could add to your deer rifle is a slightly higher power scope, it will let you get a better picture at further ranges.
     There are many, many makes, models and types of firearms out there to choose from that will get the job done, no way we can talk about them all, so I am going to hit on a few favorites that will function beautifully in the right environment, to help you choose what you need, after all everyones budget and level of dedication are different.

Don's Practical Outdoors gear for the budget minded!

Hello, Everyone!
      Hi all, my name is Don, I would like to talk about choices you as a sportsman or sportswoman will need to make when getting started and choosing gear and equipment. It can be pretty overwhelming to walk into a big outdoors store, knowing what you want to do in the field, but not really sure what you really need to get started. Salespeople are there to sell you stuff, it is their job, so sometimes a consumer is not sure if the salesperson is helping them get what they really need or just filling the cash till by the exit. There are levels to every sport from entry level to professional level. Of course we all want it all and only the best, but sometimes the budget just is not going to take that kind of abuse. What I would like to focus on in this upcoming series of articles, is helping people make informed choices to get the best "tools", to do the "job", and keep that budget at a comfortable level, while still maintaining a good experience in the field! Also I want everyone to know that I am not selling anything, and do not receive any sort of kick-back or gratuity from any products or brands I may or may not recommend. I am not a professional writer, or sportsman, just a everyday guy trying to help out.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The libertarian eye. Definitely worth checking out

Here is a link to their pages stop over and make some like minded friends.

Political Facebook page from Mike Escuela

I feel so strongly about what this man has set up Facebook that I'm giving an entire post on his page. Hopefully this will make it easier for people to notice, is Page is definitely worth checking out...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Join a community for us

I created a community for my readers, it will allow for better interactions, and help for those in need. Please come check it out and join, I will be adding material over the next few weeks.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Shooters auction. Firearm sales.

Today I want to put the spotlight on Shooters auction.
I was referred to them by a member of my Facebook group, so in usual fashion I sent them a message with my usual questions and I found out some interesting things.
First let me mention that there decently priced on most and fairly good deals on other stuff, but that's not why I'm excited about them. To me one of the most important things we can do is support and educate our youth, to get them excited about our community, and these guys do that. They contribute to several youth firearm/hunting groups and conservation groups. The have a Facebook page, online auction site which is unique, online and small shop store front.
About the owner, he was eager to help me with all my questions, seems like a good guy someone that's in it because he loves it, which is supported by his giving back to our community, interesting (to me at least) is the fact he grew up in my home town and our homes were 2miles apart, although I have never meet him, from what I figure I was about 10yr old when he moved away.
Well there you have, a fair priced company that gives back to our youth, yes this place has my support, yes I would buy from them and yes I recommend you at least give them a look before your next purchase...

Here are the address for the company.

Monday, December 2, 2013

free reloading ( handloading ) and lead bullet casting seminars

I will update this post with times and dates of upcoming seminars.
Also we may attempt to skype it and/or record it for those living to far away.

We are working on one now if interested in attending email or comment. It will be held in or near Omaha Ne. We have excellent instructors with many years of experience.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Body armor testing. Old school

Something from Tom, I thought it was interesting and wanted to share it with you guys. Obviously the man had a lot of faith in his armor.

Concealed carry presentation